Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Mouse!

I started today in a very big crafty mood. I wanted to try my hand on sewing, and so I found this really cute pattern on the internet for a lamb. What I found out was I spoot at hand sewing.. and following pattern directions. Needless to say, I ended up giving my project up and looking for something else, something that I knew I could do. :)

It was then that I came across a pattern for a Hello Kitty. I have always thought that Hello Kitties were extremely cute, and so I decided to give it a try. (You can find the pattern here: )

I am having no luck what-so-ever with any of my crafts today. My kittie did not even turn out to be a kittie... it turned out to be a mouse. *sniffle* Regardless, however, I Think that my mouse did turn out pretty cute.

I did do a couple of alterations though (which may be the reason why it isn't the kitty that it was supposed to be) I made the dress have ruffles at the end (which made it look more like a dress) and I did a different type of bow then what the directions used. (I couldn't follow those directions for some strange reason).

So this is my mouse... and even though she isn't a kitty, I still think she is pretty cute. :)

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