Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Monkeying around.

Wow... sorry I haven't been on recently. I have had a lot of stuff going on. I am back on now, with another Amigurumi!
For Girls youth, We have this secret santa thing going on, the rules are:

1. You cannot buy the person you get a present
2. You must get that person something that has meaning to you.
3. You must get that person something that has meaning to them.

At first, this was a little hard for me to do. I mean, I knew I wanted to crochet something, but I didn't know what. I have like no idea what this person's favorite anything is, whether it be color, food, or animal. And so, I took to the internet (as I usually do) to find inspiration. What I found was a monkey. Someone had crocheted this Oober cute monkey that I knew the person I got for the secret santa would probably adore. The only problem was, this person did not post a pattern for this monkey.
That was ok though. I had a great deal of fun making up the pattern as I went, and well, now I am quite proud of how my monkey turned out! Here is a picture of this cheeky little thing:

Jenny has deamed the name of my monkey to be Tootles. She said that Toodles would much rather prefer to be with her then with me or Sara. Oh well. :P She is just going to have to suffer. But I don't know, maybe I will be nice and make her a monkey as well. Depends on my moods. Though I need to go out and by some more buttons for eyes. This little bugger just used my last two. That is ok though, cause it gives me an excuse to go to the craft section in Wal-mart. :D


Deserttrumpet said...

Your "moods"?? How many personalities do you have?

Cindy said...

I have to be in the 'mood' to crochet a little dude. That and I have to be inspired. The good news is that I get inspired very easily. :P