Sunday, April 13, 2008

Love Languages

Tonight, at girls youth, we went over the five love languages.
I thought this was a very interesting topic as it not only let me get to know a bit about me, but also about some of the girls in Youth. I found out that my love languages are tied between Words of Affirmation and Gifts.
Find out yours by taking this test:

For more information on Love Languages, please check out the book 'The Five Love Languages' by Gary Chapman.
(Please pick only one for each question)

1. I like to receive notes of affirmation A
I like to be huged E

2. I like one-to-one time. B
I feel loved when someone gives practical help to me. D

3. I like it when I get gifts C
I like taking long walks with someone B

4. I feel loved when I get help D
I fell loved when I'm touched E

5. I feel loved when I receive an embrace. E
I feel loved when I receive a gift. C

6. I like to go places with someone. B
I like to hold hands E

7. Visible symbols of love(gifts) are very important to me. C
I feel loved when I am affirmed A

8. I like to sit close. E
I like to be told I am attractive A

9. I like to spend time with someone. B
I like to receive little gifts. C

10. Words of acceptance are important to me. A
I know I am loved when I receive help. D

11. I like to be with someone when I do things. B
I like to recieve kind words. A

12. What someone does affects me more than what he or she says. D
I feel whole when I am hugged E

13. I value praise and try to avoid criticism A
Several small gifts mean more to me than one large gift C

14. I feel close while talking or doing something with someone B
I feel closer to someone when he or she touches me often. E

15. I like to be complimented for my achievements. A
I feel loved when someone does things for me that he/she doesn't enjoy. D

16. I like to be touched when someone walks by. E
I like to be listened to sypmathetically. B

17 I feel loved when someone helps me with my chores. D
I really enjoy receiving gifts C

18 I like to be complimented on my appearance A
I feel loved when someone takes time to understand my feelings B

19 I feel loved when I am being touched. E
Acts of service make me feel loved D

20. I appreciate the many things someone does for me. D
I like receiving homemade gifts C

21. I really enjoy getting undivided attention. B
I realy enjoy someone doing some act of service for me. D

22. I feel loved when my birthday is celebrated with a gift. C
I feel loved when my birthday is celebrated with meaningful words. A

23. I know someone is thinking of me when he or she gives me a gift. C
I feel loved when I get help with chores. D

24. I appreciate it when someone listens patiently to me. B
I appreciate it when someone remembers special days with a gift. C

25. I like to know someone cares enough to help with my daily tasks. D
I enjoy extended trips with someone. B

26. An unexpected kiss on the cheek makes me feel loved. E
Getting an unexpected gift for no special occasion excites me. C

27. I like to be told that I am appreciated A
I like to be looked at when I am talking to someone. B

28. Gifts are always special to me. C
I feel good when I am being touched E

29. I feel loved when Someone enthusiastically does a task I have requested. D
I feel loved when someone tells me how much he appreciates me. A

30. I need to be touched every day. E
I need words of affirmation daily. A

Total:A____ B_____ C______ D_______ E______

A= Words of Affirmation
B= Quality Time
D= Acts of service
E= Physical touch.

Your highest score shows your main love language. The next hightest score is the next important thing to you.


Deserttrumpet said...

I'm a quality time followed by touch (With affirmation not too far behind).

It's been a while since I've seen the love languages. I used to hear a lot about it - but I've never read the book. I take it you are enjoying it?

Cindy said...

You are the exact opposite of me, I scored 4 on quality time, and only 2 for touch.

Actually, I am not reading it... well, that book in particular. We are doing a love waits study for girls bible study, and one of our little booklets is 'A Student's guide to The Five Love Language.'

Though I am thinking about getting the book for my kendle.

Deserttrumpet said...

Love Waits... hmmmm. I think I might of done that one. Does it compare Boaz to "bozos"? Or maybe it was titled Ladies in Waiting... don't remember, it was a while ago.

Cindy said...

No... I don't think I have heard that yet.