Friday, April 18, 2008

Beary Cute Birthday Present

Tomarrow is one of my co-worker's birthday, and so I decided to suprise her with a cute amigurumi.
I decided to go with the simple bear design for her, and I have to say, this one turned out really cute.

The only thing I really hated about making this bear was using the fun fur. Who ever named it fun fur was seriously deranged. That stuff is not fun to work with. Even though it did make the Bear Oober cute.

I was in such a hurry to get to work though, that I had to pay my sister to take the pictures of the bear... and this is what I get:

Yah... I should have known never to trust her with my camera. *sigh* Oh well.

But, my co-worker did like the bear, she thought he was really cute. :) I too am very proud of it. (this is, by the way, another Cindy Origional, I am getting really good at these!)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bubba the Panda

I was again struck with the urge to make something last night. You know, I think the hardest part of making something is trying to find out what you are going to make. I mean.... there is a ton of stuff out there to choose from! I tell you this though, Google is your best friend when trying to find inspiration. As I was sifting through various photos of different things, I found this cute little dude:

I thought she was absolutly adorable. The blog that this picture is from was actually a series of pictures of this panda from birth to 3 months (if you would like to see, check out Spluch).

I didn't have trouble this time picking out the colors for my panda bear, for all I needed was white and black, and luckily, I had both. What I did have problems with though, was my Koda Bear constantly messing with my yarn.

Other then Koda keeping my yarn captive, I didn't really run into any problems creating my Panda.

I didn't really like how the face turned out. I should have embroidered it, but I was too lazy last night to do it. Oh well. Anyways, that is Bubba the Panda. Another Cindy Origional.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Rosie the Hedgehog

So, today, after math class, I got into my usual amigurumi making mood. The only problem with my mood was I didn't know what to make. I went over to my favorite site that has a bajillion links to patterns for Amigurumi and other things, but nothing really struck my fancy.

As I was going through the endless patterns that were posted, I thought to myself, why can't I make my own amigurumi? I mean, how hard can that be? Turns out... it ain't that hard at all! But I am getting ahead of myself. I then turned to the image section of Google, and found this adorable picture of a hedgehog:

Isn't he adorable? I thought so, and so I decided that he would be my inspiration. Now, the next problem I ran into was my color choice of my yarn. I am only using my scrap yarn, and lets face it, I don't have that great a selection of colors for my scrap yarn, and so I picked the closest colors I could for my Hedghog, which were, unfortunatly yellow for the body, and a dark brown for the spiky fur. I wish I had a peppery kind of yarn for the fur, but that is ok.

Now, where to start? I decided to start with the nose, which was a pain in the butt! It was so tiny! It was, however, worth the pain, and I soon was finished with the nose, and then the entire body. What I didn't know what to do was with the fur. I thought at first to latch hook it on, but I learned my lesson with a snowman to never do that (don't ask), and so, I went sniffing around for other ideas. What I found was what another person did for their hedgehog. They had made two pompom's and sewed them onto the body (check out Warmfuzzies blog for the picture and the pattern for their hedgehog). This was a fantastic idea! And so, two pompoms later, I came out with Rosie, my cute little hedgehog:

She is really cute isn't she? I really am quite proud of her, She is of course a Cindy Origional, which by the way, there will be more Cindy origionals coming along in the near future. These guys are way more fun to make then following a pattern!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Love Languages

Tonight, at girls youth, we went over the five love languages.
I thought this was a very interesting topic as it not only let me get to know a bit about me, but also about some of the girls in Youth. I found out that my love languages are tied between Words of Affirmation and Gifts.
Find out yours by taking this test:

For more information on Love Languages, please check out the book 'The Five Love Languages' by Gary Chapman.
(Please pick only one for each question)

1. I like to receive notes of affirmation A
I like to be huged E

2. I like one-to-one time. B
I feel loved when someone gives practical help to me. D

3. I like it when I get gifts C
I like taking long walks with someone B

4. I feel loved when I get help D
I fell loved when I'm touched E

5. I feel loved when I receive an embrace. E
I feel loved when I receive a gift. C

6. I like to go places with someone. B
I like to hold hands E

7. Visible symbols of love(gifts) are very important to me. C
I feel loved when I am affirmed A

8. I like to sit close. E
I like to be told I am attractive A

9. I like to spend time with someone. B
I like to receive little gifts. C

10. Words of acceptance are important to me. A
I know I am loved when I receive help. D

11. I like to be with someone when I do things. B
I like to recieve kind words. A

12. What someone does affects me more than what he or she says. D
I feel whole when I am hugged E

13. I value praise and try to avoid criticism A
Several small gifts mean more to me than one large gift C

14. I feel close while talking or doing something with someone B
I feel closer to someone when he or she touches me often. E

15. I like to be complimented for my achievements. A
I feel loved when someone does things for me that he/she doesn't enjoy. D

16. I like to be touched when someone walks by. E
I like to be listened to sypmathetically. B

17 I feel loved when someone helps me with my chores. D
I really enjoy receiving gifts C

18 I like to be complimented on my appearance A
I feel loved when someone takes time to understand my feelings B

19 I feel loved when I am being touched. E
Acts of service make me feel loved D

20. I appreciate the many things someone does for me. D
I like receiving homemade gifts C

21. I really enjoy getting undivided attention. B
I realy enjoy someone doing some act of service for me. D

22. I feel loved when my birthday is celebrated with a gift. C
I feel loved when my birthday is celebrated with meaningful words. A

23. I know someone is thinking of me when he or she gives me a gift. C
I feel loved when I get help with chores. D

24. I appreciate it when someone listens patiently to me. B
I appreciate it when someone remembers special days with a gift. C

25. I like to know someone cares enough to help with my daily tasks. D
I enjoy extended trips with someone. B

26. An unexpected kiss on the cheek makes me feel loved. E
Getting an unexpected gift for no special occasion excites me. C

27. I like to be told that I am appreciated A
I like to be looked at when I am talking to someone. B

28. Gifts are always special to me. C
I feel good when I am being touched E

29. I feel loved when Someone enthusiastically does a task I have requested. D
I feel loved when someone tells me how much he appreciates me. A

30. I need to be touched every day. E
I need words of affirmation daily. A

Total:A____ B_____ C______ D_______ E______

A= Words of Affirmation
B= Quality Time
D= Acts of service
E= Physical touch.

Your highest score shows your main love language. The next hightest score is the next important thing to you.

Mall Rats, and fish, and Carnies oh my!

Yesturday was a very eventful day, and I am almost dissapointed at myself for not thinking to bring a camera along with me... almost.

My day started out by going to hang out with Jenn while her husband went to a Nascar thingy-ma-bob up in Pheonix. Poor Jenn was stuck all alone with both Millie and Melani all by herself, so I decided to keep her company. Besides that, Jenn had made an appointment that day for getting her hair done and needed someone to keep an eye on the monkies while she got it done.
Jenns hair appointment was at the mall, and so, while she was doing that (and consequently Jenny getting her eyebrows done as well) Millie, Melani, and I went over to the kiddie play area to wait for them. Jenn's appointment took Waay longer then what was expected, so I ended up staying in the kiddy play area for about an hour before we got bored of it, and so off we went to poke around the stores. Of course, one should know not to leave me alone with two little girls in a mall... I end up buying them things. I bought both Melani and Millie cute plastic Tiaras. They looked absolutly adorable in them, and so I couldn't resist. Jenn claims that I spoil the kids.. but oh well.

So finally, after the mall we all decided to go to the cove and swim for a little while. That was Oober loads of fun.. Millie was a joy to go swimming with. We raced down the tube slides... unfortunatly, one was longer then the other, so I kept on loosing to her.
Melani was a bit scared of the water at first, but after we went into the warm pool, she was fine, and even flirted with the life guard.

When we were leaving the Cove, we decided to check out the carnival that was in the park. It was ok... full of Oober expensive things, which of course Millie wanted to do. We didn't go on any rides, but we did end up letting Millie make a sand creation at one of the booths (believe it or not, that was the least expensive thing for us to do!)

To end our day, we all went back to Jenn's house and watched Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Amigurumi Crazy!!!

I have officially gone amigurumi crazy. In the past three days, I have made three other Amigurumi animals/fungi. I can't stop myself! This is like some crazy addiction that I can't controll. I find that in my spare time I am looking on the internet for new Amigurumi patterns and ideas!
Anyways, would you like to see what I made this week so far? Of course you do! So, here they are!
Aren't they adorable?

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Youth Campout

So, I went with my Youth Group to go camping this weekened. For the most part it was a very fun campout, we got to play an Italian ball game (I can't remember what it was called) and we got to hang out at the hot tub. Also, I got to snap this really cool picture:

For the other part however, I think I could have strangled a couple of the boys that went. They had absolutly no common sense what-so-ever. All they wanted to do was to jump off of things and do flips in the air. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand that boys will be boys, but when they do these things off of a fishing dock where other people are fishing, that gets me angry, and when they stack up two picnic tables to do flips off of, that also gets me angry. Grr. I don't know, maybe I am just being a stickler or something. *sigh*

Friday, April 4, 2008

Look what I found?

I have decided to steal my sister's camera and to take her photo's captive. What I found was a forgotten peice of Amigurumi that I forgot I had made! Oh the luck!
And so, for your viewing pleasure, I have decided to post the picture.

Cute isn't it? If you wish to make a cute egg yourself, you can get the pattern Here
along with many other cute amigurumi dolls.

Smell the New!!

Mmmm... do you smell that? Nothing beats the smell of a new blog.
Hi! I am Cindy, a college student and a crafter. I love animals... especially birds, and I have no life. And so... I have decided to make a blog! Whoo!
My current obsession in my crafting life is to make Amigurumi dolls. I absolutly love them, and they are fast and easy to make (which is good considering I have no attention span).
I have so far made 4 amigurumi dolls, 1 from a pattern at Lionbrand, and the other three I completly made up myself... cindy origionals if it were. Unfortunatly, 1 of my origionals got ruined from moving a bed, the other I gave away, and the third is currently residing in my sister's bedroom and I am too lazy to take a picture of it. I do however have a picture of the doll I made from Lionbrand.

He is rather cute isn't he? I actually ended up giving this to one of the girls at my church. She absolutly adored it. (and who wouldn't absolutly adore it?!)
Anyways, I think that is just about it for my first post in my first ever blog. Whoo! I feel accomplished already!