Saturday, June 28, 2008

Candy and turtles

You know what is awsome? Looking back at all your previous creations and seeing the progress that you have made. I think I have gotten so much better at designing my amigurumis then what I was before. Granted, I am no Ana Paula Rimoli yet, but still, I am very proud of myself.

This past week, I had decided to design two very small items, and they actually turned out pretty cute.
The first I designed was candy. I had just gotten my braces off, and found that I missed having hard candy the most, so I made me some. :)

They were actually really simple to make, I ended up using the Caron Simply Soft yarn, and that made the candy have a cute 'shine' to it. I also added some bows to the ends to give it them that extra touch they needed.

I made the green candy first, but I didn't really like how the wrapper ends had turned out (you can see more photos of my candies on my Flickr account), and so I did a different version with the white. I am planning to make a whole bunch of these and fill up a candy dish with them. I think that would make a cute little center piece for a table. Don't you think?

Finally, last night, I decided to make another turtle. I think that out of all the turtles I have created, this one is my favorite.

I was really lucky to have the butterfly applique that is on her body. I had found 3 them floating around in our craft shed, and so I decided to use one on her. Unfortunatly, I don't think they sell these anymore, or if they do... I wouldn't know where... my mom apparently got them when I was in Pre-school.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Teddy Bear Connection

I have found out today that taking my clients to the mall is not a good thing to do. They spazz out!
It would have been nice if when we got there, the Teddy Bear Connection Store was a bit more organized. I understand that it is a small space, but they expected my clients to sit down and color while three went up at a time to make their Teddy Bears. This would have worked all nice and well if it were a normal group of kids... but we don't have a normal group of kids. The next thing we know, one kid is throwing a tantrum, another is throwing a crayon box, while another is slapping another client.
Needless to say, that trip wore all us staff members out... maybe a little too much! As I have also found out today, driving with a tired person is also like driving with a drunk person. I cannot tell you how many times we swerved off the rode. I was so thankful that we arived safe and sound, back at the community center.
Anyways, on a sad note, tomarrow is one of our staff member's last day at work. She is going to be moving to Colorado. :(
We are all going to miss her a lot. She is the one to takes care of one of our clients in a wheel chair, and she is so patient with him and so compassionate, that it is going to be hard to fill in her place when she leaves. I really wish she didn't have to leave, but that isn't my say, now is it?
I have decided, however, that since she is leaving, I shall make her a goodbye present, and so I made her a cute yellow and orange teddybear.

I had a lot of fun making this little gal, and I really like the colors. I found the pattern in my Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi book, and was actually suprised that it came out as well as it did. (my last couple of amigurumis that I tried from that book, I didn't quite like how they turned out)

Anyways, I did add the two bows on the ears as an extra little something, and I have to say, I am glad that I did. They really made the bear extra cute. :)

I am actually thinking of making some more of these cute little gals for my aunts. One of them is comeing down to visit soon, and I think this would make a cute little present for her... that is if I don't find something cuter before she visits. :D


I finally got around to taking pictures of the fox I finished the other day. At first, I was a little aprehensive on how he would turn out, but after I was finshed with him, I thought he looked rather cute. I did learn a lesson with him though.I learned not to sew up the bottom half before you sew on the top half. It makes life so much easier when you sew the top half together first, sew that onto the bottom half, and then sew everything else onto the bottom half (i.e. arms, legs, and tummy patch) I found that if you did this the opposite way, you would most likly get a lopsided head. Not a good thing, especially if you are a perfectionist like I am!

Anyways, here are the pictures that I took of this guy, and remember, you can find the pattern to this little guy here.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


What is a Skidoosh? Well, if you don't know, then that means you have yet to see the movie Kung Fu Panda. This was a hillarious movie that I highly recomend anyone to see. Not only is it funny, but it also is an all star cast. Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolee (did I spell that right?) Jackie Chan, and Lucy Liu.

Of course, the best line in the entire movie is Skidoosh. But you have to see it in order to get that.

Anyways, watch the movie... you will be glad you did... trust me on that one. *nods*

Bring on the Bling Babeh!!!

Alright, I couldn't help but post this, I just found this Oober cute pair of Earings up on Etsy!
Aren't they adorable?

I have this really cute blue top that they would go perfectly with, and the good things is these babies are only 16 bucks! Whoo!

Anyways, if you would like to see more of these gorgeous earings, (and even some bracelets and necklaces) the head on down to R. F. Jewelry and Crafts at Etsy.
Man they are so cute!!

Butterflys, owls, cactuses, turtles, and lions... boy have I been busy!!!

Last weekened I managed to hit up some craft stores that I normally wouldn't be able to go to because they aren't available where I live. Anyways, I mangaged to get my hands on the popular book: Amigurumi World: Seriously Cute Crochet by Ana Paula Rimoli. I cannot tell you how excited I was when I got this book. I have had my eyes on it since like forever, but none of the bookstores in my town carry it.
When I got home, I couldn't decide what to make first. I was like a kid in a candy store. Interestingly enough, I ended up making a butterfly that was in the other book I picked up (Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi).
The butterfly was actually a pain in the bum to make. He looked really cute in the pictures, but when I made him, he just looked weird. Here is a picture of him:

What I didn't like about him was his arms and legs. Yes, he did have legs, but I ended up taking them off because they made him look really weird. I did however keep the arms on, but I still don't know if I quite like those.

I used a yarn that I got for 50% off at Jo-Annes for the wings. The yarn was ok to work with, but the instructions for the wings were pretty vague, I am actually suprised that they even turned out.

So, after I finished to butterfly, I decided to work on something from my Amigurumi World book. Of course, before I knew it, I had 3 things done, and it only took me 1 and a half days to do them! Here is a picture:

My favorite is the cactus. She took me the longest to make, but she turned out really cute. I especially like her little flower that she is sporting at the top of her head. :) Of course, my mom, when she saw the cactus said that she needed some spikes and such, and then proceded to try and put toothpicks into it. I put a stop to that right away!

After I had made these cute little creations, I decided to try out Ana's Tiny Amigurumi section of the book. I thought that the turtle was really cute and since I had some down time while babysitting for my friend, I decided to make that.

He turned out cute enough, but I am not quite happy with it. It seems as if something is missing, but I don't know what. Maybe his head is too big, or his shell too long... whatever it is, its just bugging the crud out of me. *sighs*

Lastly, I decided to make a lion for my friend. I have will give it to her tonight, when we go out to see Kung Fu Panda (which I heard is a very funny movie, and I can't wait!). It was her birthday a while back, and I decided this would be a really cute gift for her.

I thought that this one turned out really really cute, and I am almost sad to see him go. I will definatly have to make another one of him. :)

Well, that is just about all for now. :) I am off to go see Kung Fu Panda! Whoo!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Mouse!

I started today in a very big crafty mood. I wanted to try my hand on sewing, and so I found this really cute pattern on the internet for a lamb. What I found out was I spoot at hand sewing.. and following pattern directions. Needless to say, I ended up giving my project up and looking for something else, something that I knew I could do. :)

It was then that I came across a pattern for a Hello Kitty. I have always thought that Hello Kitties were extremely cute, and so I decided to give it a try. (You can find the pattern here: )

I am having no luck what-so-ever with any of my crafts today. My kittie did not even turn out to be a kittie... it turned out to be a mouse. *sniffle* Regardless, however, I Think that my mouse did turn out pretty cute.

I did do a couple of alterations though (which may be the reason why it isn't the kitty that it was supposed to be) I made the dress have ruffles at the end (which made it look more like a dress) and I did a different type of bow then what the directions used. (I couldn't follow those directions for some strange reason).

So this is my mouse... and even though she isn't a kitty, I still think she is pretty cute. :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Beware... BEWARE! Pink elephants on Parade!

Yesturday, at about nine o'clock at night, I got into another one of my strange amigurumi moods. I happened across a cute elephant pattern at, and decided to try her out.
This is how it turned out:

I ended up doing a couple of alterations to the pattern though. First of all, I didn't like how the trunk just kinda stuck straight out, so I ended up sewing that downwards. I also decided to add the black flower to the elephant. Also, as you can tell in the next picture, I ended up putting a tail on her.

I couldn't beleive that lionbrand didn't put a tail on their elephant. To me, it adds that finishing touch that it needed.

Overall, I am very happy with how my elephant turned out. I was a bit apprehensive at first because she is bigger then what I am used to making, but I got over that pretty quick. This one I am not going to give away. She has earned her place with some of my other stuffed animals and creations on my bed. :)